Saturday, October 2, 2010

J.K. Rowling Tells Oprah More Harry Potter Is Possible

The world of Harry Potter might not be done expanding.

The interview with the British author by Ms. Winfrey airs on her show today, Friday. Rowling, who rarely does interviews, spoke with Oprah at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland. She admitted that she wouldn't rule out returning to the Potter universe, despite the last book being an extremely emotional experience to write.

"I'm not saying I won't. I love writing them," J.K. Rowling told Oprah. She went on, saying the characters are "in my head still."

"It was a bereavement. It was huge. Although I knew it was coming. Initially I was elated, but then I cried like I haven't cried since my mother died," she said.

Rowling went on to explain her reasoning for writing and how she knew that's exactly what she wanted to do her whole life.

"I have to write for my own mental health. I need to write. I love it, I need to do it."

And of course, because we're, we're stoked about this! More books means one thing: more movies! Woot! With the buildup for the forthcoming first part of Deathly Shadows and the goosebump-giving trailer, we definitely would not oppose another installment of the books. But the main question is this: what would the next installment be about?

The nice thing is that, in the same way that George Lucas created Star Wars or even James Cameron's Avatar, there's a whole universe to be explored beyond just Harry Potter the character. Every character has a group of friends, a family, and a back story. So she could venture into different characters in the universe. Or, what might be even more appealing, in recent years, fans of the series have called for an encyclopedia of all things Harry. She could tie up all story loose ends with that -- it'd be almost like one, giant epilogue.

 source :

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